Managing products and portfolios : Managing elements : Grouping elements : Examples of charts grouped by attribute statistics
Examples of charts grouped by attribute statistics
These are examples of a stacked column bar chart, a pie chart, and one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and three-dimensional statistics charts.
Charts in statistics
Stacked column chart
Stacked column chart
Pie chart
Pie chart
Tables in statistics
In the following example, the Status attribute in the Row list is selected. The attribute statistics show that one requirement is accepted and three requirements are proposed.
Statistics example
Statistics example
In this example, the Status attribute in the Row list and the Owner attribute in the Column list are selected. The attribute statistics show that Joe owns one requirement that is proposed (A ) and Jack owns three requirements, of which two are proposed (B and C) and one is accepted (D).
Two-dimensional statistics
Two-dimensional statistics
This is an example of three-dimensional statistics. Assume that the estimated times to implement each of the requirements from the last example are as follows:
A: 75
B: 30
C: 20
D: 125
The following results are displayed with Plain text selected:
Three-dimensional statistics
Three-dimensional statistics
See also
Traceability matrix
Grouping elements by attribute statistics
Displaying elements
Grouping elements