Managing products and portfolios : Managing elements : Displaying elements : Traceability matrix
Traceability matrix
The traceability matrix displays all of the links that exist between elements in two views. You might use this matrix to see the connection between various requirements, such as use cases and test cases. The links are specified in either the link attribute or the list attribute.
To display all of the links between the elements in the views, in the lower frame, from the Row and Column lists, select two views.
In this traceability matrix, there are seven links between the elements in All Requirements and All Use Cases. Use Case 3 is linked to Radio, which is indicated by A. Use Case 2 and Calendar are linked both ways, which is indicated by B. Games is linked to Use Case 1, which is indicated by C.
example of traceability matrix
To sort the results, select an option from the Sort Order list. If Truncate is selected, only the first 20 characters of element titles are displayed.
See also
Displaying elements
Examples of charts grouped by attribute statistics