Managing products and portfolios : Setting up modules : Adding a module
Adding a module
A workspace consists of a set of modules, each with a structured set of elements. Each workspace has a set of default modules that you can use. If you have workspace administrator access, you can create modules according to your requirements.
About this task
Some attributes such as color, origin link, adding to other modules, and some integration settings such as XML namespace, and preview are not displayed in the Add Modules form. To specify these attributes, after creating a module, click the module name on the list and specify the attribute values.
1 Log in as a workspace administrator.
2 Click the Settings icon Settings icon. From the Configure group, click Modules. The list of modules is displayed.
3 Click Add Module at the bottom of the module list.
4 Specify the attribute values for the module.
5 Click OK. To update the TRS table with changes to the class URI or Property URI, click Update to TRS.
What to do next
To specify additional attributes such as the integration settings, from the list of modules, click the module you created and specify the attribute values.
See also
Adding attributes
Mandatory attributes
Modules frame
Module attributes
Setting up modules