Managing products and portfolios : Setting up modules
Setting up modules
A workspace consists of a set of modules, each of which contain a structured set of elements.
About this task
You must have workspace administrator access to set up and modify modules. If you do not have workspace administrator access, you can access subsets of the elements in the Display menu.
The default module setup contains these modules:
Module name
Members can configure and delete these modules. The most commonly used modules are Product Portfolio, Project Portfolio, Feature Planner, and Risk Analysis.
This module contains the criteria that you use to prioritize elements and visualize the results.
This module contains the releases for planning elements.
This module contains the checkpoints that you use to review elements.
Resource Types
This module contains the resource types that you use to plan elements.
Saved Plans
This module contains your saved plans.
Saved Charts
When a chart is saved in the Visualize frame, an element that contains the chart contents is saved in this module.
Saved Reports
This module stores generated reports.
The following image shows the relationship between users and components in Focal Point®:
Simple installation topology example
Adding a module
Exporting a module
Importing a module
Adding folders