Managing products and portfolios : Setting up modules : Exporting a module
Exporting a module
You can select and export generic modules. System modules such as Member, View, Criterion, Checkpoint, Chart, Report, Release, Resource type, and Plan cannot be exported.
About this task
References to members stored in other modules are not exported. These references and the attribute configuration for Allowed target modules, such as Configure Attributes Link or Configure Attributes Link List, are exported when you export the entire workspace.
1 Click the Settings icon Settings icon, and then, from the Configure group, click Modules.
2 Select the module or modules to be exported by selecting the check boxes next to the module name. To export all of the generic modules, click the Select All toggle icon Select All toggle icon. To export an individual module, click the Export icon Export icon of that module.
3 Select the type of export, and then click OK.
4 To download the module after the export is completed, click Download the module.
5 To import modules, click Import Modules, and select the .fpz file that has the modules to be imported.
See also
Setting up notifications
Mandatory attributes
Modules frame
SQL commands
Setting up modules