Managing products and portfolios : Setting up and generating reports workflow : Specifying a report type
Specifying a report type
Before you generate a report, you must create a report type. A report type connects a report template and the data in a workspace by specifying the workspace components to use in the template.
Before you begin
Before you can create a report type, you must have at least one report template.
1 Click the Settings icon Settings icon, and then, from the Configure group, click Generate Report.
2 Click Add Report Type.
3 In the “Select report target” window, select a report target.
The report target affects how you select the content of the report. To map each part of the template to a view, attribute, or other part of the workspace, select Focal Point®.
4 Click Next.
The Add Report Type page is displayed. Depending on the report target that you specified, different templates are displayed.
5 On the Add Report Type page, select a template, type a title and description for the report type, and select the report format and available views.
Only administrators can specify the available views.
6 Click Next.
7 Map the report template values to the content to add to the report. Your options depend on the selected report target.
8 Click Next.
9 Set the report type access for members. Members do not need to have access to the selected views to view the report.
If you click Specific Member or set of Members, click Next, select the members, and click Finish.
If you click Member View, click Next, select a member view, and click Finish.
If you click All Members, click Finish.
See also
Setting up and generating reports workflow