Managing products and portfolios : Setting up and generating reports workflow
Setting up and generating reports workflow
You can generate reports in RTF or PDF format by using a report type and report template. A report is composed of the most recent workspace information.
Note You must be a global administrator.
Two components generate reports:
Report template: The report template is an XML string that determines the font, chapter, header, footer, and other characteristics of the report. Templates are available with the product. Each template can be used several times by all the workspaces.
Report type: A report type connects a report template and a workspace by determining the workspace components to use in the template. Each workspace has a list of report types. Several report types can use the same report template but connect to different views. To create a report type, you need a report template.
Generating reports in Focal Point®: Interactive workflow of the tasks
The workspace administrator (or a user with report administration permission) does this:
1 Add a report type.
See Specifying a report type.
2 Select the report target: Focal Point®, Rational Publishing Engine, or Telelogic Publishing Engine.
3 Select the report template: either a standard report template, or a traceability report for CLM applications.
See Report templates.
4 Select the report format.
5 Select views for the report type: Map views to attributes and workspace, Map views to data source, or Map view to report name.
6 Set the report access for members.
Regular users can now generate the report, and subscribe to the report. See Generating reports and Subscribing to reports.
See also
Creating report templates by using Rational Publishing Engine Document Studio
Extracting a report using report integration
Generating reports