Managing products and portfolios : Setting up and generating reports workflow : Report templates : Report settings : Text before links
Text before links
fp:textbeforelinks and fp:textbeforeincominglinks
Specifies the text that is inserted before all link attribute values.
The fp:textbeforeincominglinks tag is used for incoming links attributes, and the fp:textbeforelinks tag is used for all other links. If the value for fp:textbeforeincominglinks is not specified, the fp:textbeforelinks value is used.
Empty string
  Link to:
  Link from:
In this example, the values for each attribute are:
Link attribute value:
Link to: Element 1
Link list attribute values:
Link to: Element 1
Link to: Element 2
Incoming Links attribute values:
Link from: Element 1
Link from: Element 2
See also
Report settings