Managing products and portfolios : Setting up and generating reports workflow : Report templates : Report settings : Width of first and last columns
Width of first and last columns
fp:defaultattrstat2dfirstcolumnwidth and fp:defaultattrstat2dlastcolumnwidth
Determines the width of the first column and the last column of Attribute Statistics 2D tables.
For each of the Attribute Statistics tables, you can override the default value by using the firstcolumnwidth="xxx" and lastcolumnwidth="xxx" attributes of the attrstat2d tag.
Note For quick reports, the default values (fp:defaultattrstat2dfirstcolumnwidth and fp:defaultattrstat2dlastcolumnwidth) are always used, even if the report template contains fp:attrstat2d tags that have different firstcolumnwidth and lastcolumnwidth values.
fp:defaultattrstat2dfirstcolumnwidth and fp:defaultattrstat2dlastcolumnwidth
The first column is twice as wide as a normal column. The last column is half the width of a normal column.
See also
Report settings