Managing products and portfolios : Setting up and generating reports workflow : Report templates : Prioritize components
Prioritize components
You can use tags to change the prioritize components in a report template.
Presents a list of triples and their consistencies. The presented triples are the most inconsistent ones for the specified view, criterion, and number. The criterion must be public or private, not an estimate or a sum.
Tags and attributes
This component has the common attributes, common tags, and these specific tags:
A mandatory tag of type critParam that contains a criterion ID.
A mandatory tag of type memberParam that contains a member ID. The tag is ignored if the criterion is public.
A mandatory tag of type viewParam that contains a view ID.
An optional tag of type intParam that determines the maximum number of triples that can be presented. The default value is 10.
<fp:pwcconsistency descr="Overview">
  <fp:critParam changeable="template" id="101"
                name="critId" descr="The criterion" />
  <fp:memberParam changeable="runtime" id="102"
                name="memberId" descr="The member" />
  <fp:viewParam changeable="template" id="103"
                name="viewId" descr="The view" />
  <fp:intParam changeable="runtime" id="104"
               descr="Maximum number of triples" />
Presents a list of all the completed comparisons for a specified view, criterion, and member. The criterion must be public or private, not an estimate or a sum.
Tags and attributes
This component has the common attributes, common tags, and these specific tags:
A mandatory tag of type critParam that contains a criterion ID.
A mandatory tag of type memberParam that contains a member ID. The tag is ignored if the criterion is public.
A mandatory tag of type viewParam that contains a view ID.
<fp:pwclist descr="List">
  <fp:critParam changeable="template" id="101" name="critId"
                descr="The criterion" />
  <fp:memberParam changeable="runtime" id="102" name="memberId"
                descr="The member" />
  <fp:viewParam changeable="template" id="103" name="viewId"
                descr="The view" />
Specifies an overview of the comparisons for one criterion and all members, or for all criteria and one member.
Tags and attributes
This component has the common attributes, common tags, and these specific tags:
An optional tag of type critParam that might contain a criterion ID.
If this tag contains a criterion ID, the overview is for one criterion and all members. If the tag does not contain a criterion ID, the overview is for all criteria and the currently logged in member. The default setting is to not contain a criterion ID.
To be consistent with other prioritize components, a memberParam must be present. However, the memberParam is not included to better align the reports with the user interface.
A mandatory tag of type viewParam that contains a view ID.
One criterion and all members:
<fp:pwcoverview descr="Overview">
  <fp:critParam changeable="template" id="101" name="critId"
                descr="The criterion" />
  <fp:viewParam changeable="template" id="103" name="viewId"
                descr="The view" />
All criteria and one member:
<fp:pwcoverview descr="Overview">
  <fp:viewParam changeable="template" id="103" name="viewId"
                descr="The view" />
See also
Report templates