Tutorials : Analyzing investment using Focal Point® : Module 2: Build a financial model : Lesson 3: Calculate the total sales revenue
Lesson 3: Calculate the total sales revenue
In this lesson, you create a calculator tape, and run the simulation to calculate the sales revenue that is generated from the project.
1 Click the dropdown list below the graphical grid area, and then select the Sales stream.
2 Click the Calculator tab.
3 Click Tapes > New Tape.
4 Enter the name of the tape as Sales revenue.
5 Click Add Variable.
6 Specify the details for the new variable:
In the Name field, enter Salesrevenue.
In the Description field, enter Sales revenue generated from the project.
In the Type field, select Formula.
Enter the formula as CostPerLicense*'License'[PERIOD].
7 Click Tapes > Save Tape.
8 Click Run Simulation.
9 Click Apply simulation to 2014 Q2 to see the sales revenue in the second quarter of 2014. The cost is plotted in the graph for 2014 Q2.
Similarly, move the slider to each quarter and click Apply simulation to YYYY QX to see the development cost for each quarter from the year 2014 to 2015. The development cost is plotted in the graph for each quarter from the year 2014 to 2015
Sales revenue plot after running the simulation
10 Click Save.
Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson, you learned to:
create a calculator tape
run the simulation to calculate the sales revenue of the project.
Module 3: Analyze the financial model results
See also
Module 2: Build a financial model