Tutorials : Getting started with Focal Point® : Introduction: Getting started with Focal Point®
Introduction: Getting started with Focal Point®
This tutorial contains two modules with information about some basic functions of Focal Point® to help you start using the product.
In this tutorial, you use car elements to practice using the decision-making features of the product and to analyze the results. You add a module for information about cars, add some cars, and prioritize them according to design and cost. Then you analyze which car is best according to certain criteria.
Learning objectives
Create users and workspaces
Add users as members of a workspace
Create a module
Add attributes and elements to a module
Create views
View elements in different display modes
Define criteria and prioritize elements
Visualize results and generate reports
Time required
This tutorial takes approximately 90 minutes to finish. If you explore other concepts related to this tutorial, it might take longer to finish.
Skill level
The lessons in this tutorial are intended for new administrators who want an introduction to the basic features of Focal Point®.
To complete Module 1, you must have global administrator access to an installation of Focal Point®.
To complete Module 2, you must have workspace administrator access to a workspace.
Modules in this tutorial
Module 1: Create users and workspaces
This module is intended for global administrators. The lessons describe initial administrative actions, such as creating a workspace and adding users. The actions described in this module must be performed before regular users can get started with Focal Point®.
Module 2: Enter, organize, and compare data
This module is intended for workspace administrators. The lesson introduces the basic functions of Focal Point®. When you finish this module, you will be able to enter, organize, and compare data. You can then analyze the results of comparisons and make informed decisions.
Module 1: Create users and workspaces
See also
Getting started with Focal Point®