Tutorials : Getting started with Focal Point® : Module 1: Create users and workspaces : Lesson 3: Create workspaces
Lesson 3: Create workspaces
In workspaces, you can manage and display modules that contain elements with a common set of attributes. In this lesson, you create a workspace named Cars, where car modules will be created.
A workspace is an area where you can manage and display modules. All modules and views belong to a workspace.
You must be a global administrator.
Video: How to create a workspace in Focal Point®
Click to watch in new tab.
To create a workspace
1 From the main menu, click User Profile (your user ID) > Administration.
2 On the Administration page, click the General tab.
3 Click Workspaces and then click Add.
The Add Workspace page opens.
4 In the Title field, type:
5 In the Description field, type:
This is my cars workspace
6 In the Template field, select No template or a predefined template:
Template: IT Portfolio Management
Template: Product Management
Template: Application Portfolio Management
Template: Product Portfolio Management
Note The predefined templates are not updated for Focal Point® 7.0.
7 From the Responsible list, select Matthew Siler.
8 From the User Administrator list, select Stella Lagunas.
9 In the Icon field, click the icon or down arrow, and, under Charts and Match, select the tree icon tree icon.
10 From the Color in workspace list, select the orange color.
11 From the Select the format to display dates and numbers in list, select English‑English (United States).
12 Click OK.
The Cars workspace is created and displayed in the list of workspaces.
Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson, you learned how to create a workspace.
In the next lesson, you add users as member to the workspace.
Lesson 4: Add members to a workspace
Module 1: Create users and workspaces