Tutorials : Integrate Focal Point® with IBM Rational solution for CLM applications : Module 2: Configure the integration : Lesson 4: Configure attribute for storing links to CLM artifacts
Lesson 4: Configure attribute for storing links to CLM artifacts
In this lesson, you add the Integration Link attribute for the Business Needs module to store the links made to the IBM Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management artifacts.
Video: How to configure attributes in Focal Point® for storing links to CLM artifacts
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1 Create a project area in the IBM Rational solution for CLM applications:
2 Add Focal Point® as a friend to the IBM Rational solution for CLM application and have valid user credentials for the CLM application.
For more information, see Lesson 3: Connect to the IBM Rational solution for CLM server.
3 You must be a workspace administrator to create an attribute in Focal Point®.
When adding the attribute, you specify the CLM application and the project area from where artifact links are stored in the attribute.
1 In Focal Point®, open the Sample Project workspace.
2 On the menu bar, click the Settings icon Settings icon. In the Configure group, click Workspace.
3 Next to Workspace Association with the Service Provider, click Add.
4 In Associate Workspace with the Service Provider window, set Application to RRC.
5 Set Association Link Type to Elaborates or Elaborated by.
6 Set Friends Catalog to rmServiceProviders.
7 Set Artifacts Containers to Sample Requirements.
8 Click Save.
9 On the menu bar, click the Settings icon Settings icon. In the Configure group, click Attributes.
10 Select the Business Needs module, and then click Add Attribute.
11 Click Integration Link.
12 In the Name field, do this:
To store the Requirements Management artifacts links, type RRC-FP.
To store the Change and Configuration Management artifacts links, type RTC-FP.
13 In Property URI field, select Elaborates from the dropdown menu.
14 Click OK, and then click Update Views.
You configured the Integration Link attribute to store links from the Requirements Management application and the Change and Configuration Management application.
Lesson checkpoint
You learned how to add and configure the Integration Link attribute to store links to the CLM artifacts.
Lesson 5: Add view commands for bulk operation
See also
Module 2: Configure the integration