Tutorials : Integrate Focal Point® with IBM Rational solution for CLM applications : Module 3: Manage business needs with CLM applications : Lesson 1: Add business needs
Lesson 1: Add business needs
In this lesson, you add the high-level requirements or business needs that are required for the Business Needs project. The business needs are technically referred to as elements in Focal Point®.
Video: How to add business needs in Focal Point®
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1 Log in to Focal Point® as Carl Riggs.
2 Click the Sample Project workspace.
3 Click Add > Business Needs.
4 In the Title field, type:
Improve fuel effeciency
5 In the Description field, type:
This element is about improving the fuel effeciency of Carz 65
6 Click OK.
7 Repeat steps 3 to 6, using these details to add three more business needs:
Provide high-end electronics
This element is about providing high-end electronics to Carz 65.
Improve safety of passengers
This element is about improving the safety of Carz 65 passengers.
Provide security features
This element is about providing new security features to Carz 65.
Lesson checkpoint
In this lesson, you added four business needs.
In the next lesson, you create a project proposal and scope the project with business needs.
Lesson 2: Create a project proposal
See also
Module 3: Manage business needs with CLM applications