Administering : Managing business rules and expressions : Business rule definition examples : LinkListAttributeSum example
LinkListAttributeSum example
In this example, the LinkListAttributeSum business rule is used to calculate the cost of a release.
Note LinkListAttributeSum business rule is deprecated and replaced by the List business rule in Focal Point 6.6.
The Requirements module links to the Releases module. The Releases module has an Incoming Links attribute that lists all the requirements that are connected to each release. The Requirements module contains an Implementation Cost attribute. You can use the LinkListAttributeSum business rule to calculate the total implementation cost for each release by summing the implementation cost of the requirements.
This is an example of the Requirements module, which is the source module:
The sound recorder element is shown in the Requirements module.
In the Requirements module, Release is a Link attribute and Implementation Cost is a Float attribute.
1 In the Releases module, sum the implementation cost in the "Total Implementation Cost" Float attribute. The attribute is the same as the business rule container attribute. In the default value for this attribute, type the following business rule:
=LinkListAttributeSum("Related requirements",
"Implementation Cost", "listen_to=Implementation Cost",
'Related requirements')
2 The business rule calculates the sum of the implementation cost in all the requirements. For the February 2006 release, the total implementation cost is 209.7.
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Business rule definition examples