Administering : Managing business rules and expressions
Managing business rules and expressions
Expressions are mathematical calculations that provide information; for example, an expression might summarize the attributes in a module or replace a static date field with the current date. Business rules are advanced expressions that you might use to check the quality of your requirements, implement a complete workflow, or aggregate sales figures for a large corporation.
About this task
You can use several default business rules. Each rule has an explanation, a version number, and compilation information. You can upload, export, and delete business rules on the Business Rules page of the Advanced menu. To add, manage, export, or delete business rules, you must either be a global administrator or have the Business rules permission.
Business rule API for the development of custom business rules
Adding business rules
Exporting business rules
Enabling and disabling the Business Rules page
Expressions and business rules
Structure of expressions
Using trigger expressions with timer parameters
Using expressions as values
Using expressions for specific elements
Operators of expressions
Business rules definitions
Business rule definition examples
Finding ID numbers for expressions
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