Administering : Managing business rules and expressions : Using expressions for specific elements
Using expressions for specific elements
You can use an expression to be an attribute of an element.
To specify an expression for an element
1 Open the attribute list for an element: On the navigation bar, click Display. Select a view and then select the element.
2 For an attribute type, click Edit.
3 In the New Value field, type:
Evaluate Expression, Help, List Business Rules, and List available Attributes options are displayed.
4 To evaluate the expression before you save it, click Evaluate. A window with the result of your expression is displayed.
5 Click OK.
In the attribute list, the result of the expression is displayed. When you edit the attribute value, the expression is displayed. An attribute with a valid expression is displayed in green. An attribute with an invalid expression is displayed in red. An attribute might have an invalid expression if you delete the element the expression is referring to.
In the following situations, the results of expressions are not immediately displayed:
An element tree is displayed either from the Modules menu or the Display menu. The title of one of the elements in the tree is an expression that collects its value from an attribute that belongs to another element in the tree. When the source attribute value is changed, the title of the first element is also changed. However, the element tree is not updated; in the tree, the old element title is still displayed. To display the new element title, from the navigation bar, in the Modules or Display menus, click the module or view.
An element tree is displayed from the Display menu. An attribute in one element is an expression that collects its value from an attribute that belongs to another element. When the source attribute is changed, the first attribute value is also changed. This change might cause the first element to be removed from the view, but the element is still displayed in the tree. If you click the element you will not see its attribute values. Instead, an error message is displayed. To update the tree, from the navigation bar, in the Display menu, click the view.
A view is displayed in a Chart from the Visualize menu. You click one of the element titles to change an attribute. The title attribute of another element in the view is an expression that collects its value from the attribute that was changed. The title changes, but the title is not updated in the chart. To update the chart, from the navigation bar, in the Visualize menu, click the view.
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Managing business rules and expressions