Administering : Managing business rules and expressions : Using trigger expressions with timer parameters
Using trigger expressions with timer parameters
A business rule is triggered in the following situations:
When a formula is saved. The most common scenario is when an attribute is edited and a formula is entered. Another scenario is when a new element is created or a new attribute with a default formula is created.
When one of the listener attributes changes.
When one of the listen_to attributes changes.
When a timer is triggered through the use of a run_at or update_interval parameter.
You can trigger a business rule by using a timer.
Timer parameters are enclosed in double quotes. There are two timer parameters:
run_at parameter. This parameter is used to create a timer that runs the business rule at a specified time by using the following format:
hour is the hour of the day at which the business rule runs
interval is the number of days between runs of the business rule. If this entry is omitted, the business rule runs every day.
first_run is the number of days before the first run of the business rule. If this entry is omitted, the business rule runs on the next configured hour.
For example:
“run_at=1,7,3” means run the business rule at 1 am every week and the first run is scheduled 3 days from now
“run_at=1,7” means run the business rule at 1 am every week
“run_at=1” means run the business rule at 1 am every day
update_interval parameter. This parameter is used to set the interval between two runs of the business rule by using the following format:
where hours is the number of hours between runs of the business rule.
For example, “update_interval=4” means run this business rule every 4 hours.
You can specify only one run_at or update_interval parameter. You cannot use both parameters at the same time.
It is not a good idea to set up run_at and update_interval parameters on a large number of expressions.
This scenario can happen if these parameters are used on an expression set as the default value of an attribute. To avoid this scenario, set up a today expression with a run_at or update_interval parameter on single attribute and refer to that attribute in other expressions by using single quotes.
For example, 'Dummy!dummy001!run' refers to the attribute run on element dummy001 in the Dummy module.
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Managing business rules and expressions