Administering : Managing members : Finding members
Finding members
You can search for users in the workspace, and edit user or member attributes.
About this task
Focal Point scans email addresses, full names, and user name attributes that match the search string that you enter. To find a member in a workspace, click the Settings icon Settings icon and then, from the Members group, click Find Members.
1 In the User contains field, enter the search string. Wildcards can be used in the search string.
Complete the following step
search for Administrators only
Select Show only administrators.
search for login enabled members only
Select Show only login enabled members.
remove any member that matches the given search string from the list of found members
Enter that string in the Member does not contain field.
edit user or member attributes
Click the user name.
send an email
Click the email icon.
2 Press Enter.
The search results are displayed.
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Managing members