Administering : Managing members : Adding members
Adding members
Users must be added as members to at least one workspace.
Before you begin
To add members to a workspace in Focal Point, you must either be a workspace administrator, or have the Members workspace permission.
1 Click the Settings icon Settings icon and then, from the Members group, click Add.
Alternatively, click the Settings icon and then, from the Members group, click Manage. In the All Members page that displays the user roles and the members belonging to each user role, click the Add Member push button.
2 Search for the user by entering the name in User contain or User does not contain.
3 Select the user to be added as a member in the workspace. Click Next.
4 In the next frame, copy or inherit My Views, My Home and Permissions from other members:
No access to any views.
Copy the My Views, My Home and Permissions attributes from an existing workspace member or the specified folder.
Inherit the My Views, My Home and Permissions attributes from a folder or an existing workspace member. When you select inherit, the new workspace member gains access to all of the views and home page contents of the selected member. The views and home page of the inheriting member are also updated when they are modified for the member it inherits from.
Inherited views are computed from the inheritance hierarchy and are cached, every time that a regular member or a workspace administrator enters a workspace. The member has to enter the workspace again for the changes to propagate to the inheriting member. Members continue to see the old data until they enter the workspace after a change was made.
5 Select the folder in the Members module where the members are to be added.
6 Click Finish. The user is added as a workspace member.
A member can inherit from any member, as long as there is no circular inheritance. In this case, the member is still added to the workspace, but you must manually edit Inherit From later if the member is to inherit from someone else.
Members can also inherit from a parent folder. When you select Parent Folder for a new member, the member gets the same access as the selected parent folder.
Remember My Views and My Home are inherited in several steps. This means that you inherit the views, home page, inherited views, and My Home from another member.
Member access
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Managing members