Administering : Setting up notifications
Setting up notifications
To notify users when a view changes, set up a notification. You can send notifications about:
changes in a view
the content of a view.
Before you set up notifications, consider these details:
The type of notification to send
The information that you want to send. You must create a view that displays this information. Specify the view rules to ensure that the appropriate elements and attributes are included. For example, if you include File attributes in the view, any file in an element is included as an attachment to the notification. If the notification is about the changes in a view, the history logs for the attributes in that view must be activated.
The recipients of the notification. You can use either an attribute or a view to specify this information, which must be available before you add the notification.
Attribute: You can send notifications to the owner or creator. You can also create a link, link list, or incoming links attribute that is based on Members and use this attribute to assign recipients. For example, you might create an attribute named “Verified By”, “Keep Me Posted”, or “Assigned To”.
View: You can create a view that is based on members, and then use this view to assign recipients. For example, you might use a view that contains all release managers, a view that contains all release managers and product managers, or a view that contains specific members, such as administrators.
When you set up notifications, you can also select a date and number format, and can define your own message.
Because notifications are sent as emails, to receive notification, users must have valid email settings and an email address in Focal Point.
A notification can also be triggered manually by clicking the Run Now option on the notification list page. This action also updates the Last Run and Next Run details of the notification.
By default, notifications are exported when a workspace is exported. In Focal Point 6.6 and later, you can disable the export.notifications project setting to disable the export of notifications when a workspace is exported.
Note When importing a workspace for which only the roles of the Members module were exported, the notifications are not imported.
Adding notifications
Editing notifications
Notification types
Notification examples
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Administering Focal Point