Administering : Setting up notifications : Adding notifications
Adding notifications
You can create a notification to be sent as an email each time a view is changed. To add a notification, you must either be a workspace administrator or have the Notifications and Messages workspace permission.
1 Click the Settings icon Settings icon and then, from the Configure group, click Notifications. The available notifications are displayed.
2 Click Add Notification.
3 Specify the Notification Information settings:
Select Active to keep the notification active.
Type a title and description for the notification.
Select the view on which the notification is based. The view must contain the attributes that you want to use in your notification. If you create a notification about changes to a view, the history logs of the attributes must be activated. If you create a notification about the current content, the view must contain all the attributes that you want to include in the notification.
Filters on this view are not used.
If the view contains a rule that is set to current user, the view is run as the member you select from the Use date and number format settings of the member list.
When Detail level of body text is set to Detailed or Customized, file attributes in the view are included as attachments in the notification. To be delivered correctly, the attached files from your File attributes must not exceed the limits that is set in the server.
Select the member whose date and number format settings are used for the notification. All members in the workspace are listed.
Specify whether to send notifications about all changes or all current content.
Specify whether any changes to the title attribute should be ignored when a change-based notification is sent.
In the case of a change-based notification you can select an additional view and the attributes from this view will be shown along with the element URL when the change message is composed.
In the case of a content-based notification, specify whether the content should be sent as a Microsoft® Excel attachment. If this option is selected, files from other attributes are not included as attachments in the email.
In the case of a content-based notification, specify whether the content should be uploaded to an FTP server as a Microsoft® Excel file.
Select the check box provided to include the files from file attribute as attachments when an e-mail is sent.
Use the check box to enable/disable change notifications when a new element is created.
Select the time interval at which to check for changes.
4 Specify the Compose Notification Message settings:
Select the attribute or view whose members you want to send the notification to.
If the view contains a rule that is set to current user, the view is run as the member that you select from the Use date and number format settings of memberlist.
Select the attribute or view whose members you want to send a copy of the notification to. The values in this list are the same as the values in the Send to the members infield.
Select the attribute or view whose members you want to send a blind copy of the notification to. The email address of the recipient is not visible to the other recipients in the notification. The values in this list are the same as the values in the Send to the members in and CC fields.
Select Exclude the editing user to exclude the user who made the change from receiving the notification. This option is visible only for notifications of the All Changes type.
When the CC and BCC fields are enabled and if there are multiple users in CC and BCC fields, the changes that are made in the notification time interval are sent in multiple emails. Each email has a different member in the CC field. If the CC field is blank, the users receive all changes in one email.
When more than one person changes elements during the interval in the Look for changes interval field, all users receive the notification.
Type a subject for the notification. For an example, see the default text in this field.
Enter a header text for the notification. For an example, see the default text in this field.
Select the detail level of the notification: Brief, Normal, Detailed, or Customized.
Enter your own notification footer text. This text is displayed after the list of changes and current content in the notification email.
5 To provide an alias of your choice, edit the default alias.
6 Click OK.
The notification is added to the list of notifications.
Active notification icon indicates an active notification.
Inactive notification icon indicates an inactive notification.
To toggle between active and inactive notifications, click the icon.
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Setting up notifications