Extending product function : Setting up the product portfolio management workspace : Deploying product portfolio management workspace template : Preparing to use the portfolio management workspace : Workflows
The Ideas and Products modules can use workflows. The workflow is based on the Status attribute in each module. The workflow definition enforces the process of moving an idea or product from one state to another, where only certain defined transitions are possible. The workflow controls the attributes that must be editable, visible but not editable or hidden, editable, and visible during a transition from one state to another.
Some views that are based on the Ideas and Products modules might use a workflow. If a view does not use a workflow, the functions of that view depend on the access level that you define for that view. If a view uses a workflow, the access level of the workflow affects what users can see or do.
In the product portfolio management template, these principles apply:
Views that are not used for transitions do not use workflows. The Status attribute is visible but not editable to prevent transitions.
Views that are used for transitions and views that show the Ideas or Products modules of several states use workflows. The Status attribute is at the top of the attribute list for the element in the view with all possible transitions available.
Ideas workflow
Products workflow
Ideas workflow
In some views that are based on the Ideas module, you can use a workflow.This is the workflow for the ideas module:
View definition
My Draft Ideas
All elements in the Ideas module whose type is a folder is false AND Submitter is Current user AND Status is Draft
The user who added the idea can make transitions. In the workflow, all attributes are set to “As View”.
Submitted Ideas
All elements in the Ideas module whose type is a folder is false AND Status is Submitted
The idea dispatcher can make transitions. In the workflow, all attributes are set to “As View”.
Ideas For Me to Clarify
All elements in the Ideas module whose type is a folder is false AND Status is To be clarified AND Submitter is Current user
Either the user who added the idea or the idea investigator can make transitions. In the workflow, all attributes are set to “As View”.
Ideas For Me to Handle
All elements in the Ideas module whose type is a folder is false AND Status is (Allocated to investigator OR Under investigation OR Approved as product proposal OR Approved as business need OR To be clarified) AND Responsible is Current user And business needs number of links is 0 AND Products number of links is 0
This view contains ideas in several states. You can make transitions and depending on the state, ideas can have editable, visible, or hidden attributes.
For example, when an idea is in the “Allocated to investigator” state, the investigation has not started. Only a few attributes are editable or visible. When an idea in the “Under investigation” state, the Business Mechanism, Level of Effort (hrs), and Market Feasibility attributes are editable for the investigator. These attributes are editable so that the investigator can enter data during the investigation.
Ideas Ready for Approval Decision
All elements in the Ideas module whose type is a folder is false AND Status is Ready for approval decision
The idea approver can make transitions. In the workflow, all attributes are set to “As View”.
Products workflow
In some views that are based on the Products module, you can use a workflow.This is the workflow for the Products module:
View definition
New Product Proposals
All elements in the Products module whose type is a folder is false AND Status is Product Proposal AND Parent Folder is Our Product Portfolio, or any subfolder
The portfolio manager can make transitions. In the workflow, all attributes are set to “As View”.
Product Proposals For Me to Handle
All elements in the Products module whose type is a folder is false AND Status is (Allocated to investigator OR Under investigation OR Approved for business case creation OR Finalize business case) AND Parent Folder is Our Product Portfolio, or any subfolder AND Responsible is Current User
This view has products that are in several states. You can make transitions. Depending on the state, certain products must have either editable, visible, or hidden attributes.
All products in states that are filtered by this view rule are handled by a product proposal investigator. To handle those products, the investigator uses the link in the Responsible attribute. As the investigator creates the product proposal, they create high- and detailed-level business cases. The investigator then sends the proposals to the product portfolio committee. The workflow for states is defined so that different attributes are editable.
For example, a product in the “Allocated to investigator” state is assigned to the product proposal investigator. Only a few attributes are visible and editable. When the product proposal investigator transfers the product to the “Under investigation” state, more attributes are visible and editable. When the product transfers to the “Approved for business need” state by the product portfolio committee, the product proposal investigator can edit and see all attributes that form the complete business case.
Product (Proposals) Ready For Review
All elements in the Products module whose type is a folder is false AND Parent Folder is Our Product Portfolio, or any subfolder AND Status is (Ready for review OR Under development OR Delivered)
This view contains products that are in several states. The workflow allows for transitions. Depending on the state, certain attributes of the products must be either editable, visible, or hidden.
For example, a product in the “Ready for review” state is a product proposal with a complete business case that is to be reviewed by the product portfolio committee. If the committee decides to invest in the proposal, a development project is created. A delivered product is available for sale in the market. For a product that is nearing retirement, the retirement plan attributes are editable and visible.
Product (Proposals) Ready For Funding Decision
All elements in the Products module whose type is a folder is false AND Parent Folder is Our Product Portfolio, or any subfolder AND Status is Ready for funding decision
The product portfolio committee and the product manager can make transitions. In the workflow, all attributes are set to “As View”.
My Products To Manage
All elements in the Products module whose type is a folder is false AND Parent Folder is Our Product Portfolio, or any subfolder AND Status is (Approved for detailed planning OR Approved for development OR Under development OR Delivered OR Approved to be replaced OR Approved to be retired OR Taken off market OR End of maintenance) AND Product Manager is Current user
This view has products that are in several states. The workflow allows for transitions and also for the attributes of products to be editable, visible, or hidden depending on the state.
For example, products that passed the “Delivered” state are available on the market. For these products, the retirement plan attributes are visible and editable to the product manager so that the retirement of the product can be planned.
Product Proposals For Me to Clarify
All elements in the Products module whose type is a folder is false AND Status is To be clarified AND Creator is Current user
The product portfolio committee and the product proposal investigator can make transitions. In the workflow, all attributes are set to “As View”.
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Preparing to use the portfolio management workspace