Integrating : Focal Point and reporting tools : Extracting a report by using report integration
Extracting a report by using report integration
You can extract reports by using the report integration feature.
Before you begin
A report tool must be installed. Both http and https are supported.
1 Click Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC).
2 Click Add, and select ODBC XML Driver. If the driver is not installed, download the DataDirect Connect for ODBC and install the msxml.dll file.
3 Click Finish, specify a data source name, and click Add.
4 Specify a location name, select XML Document, and add the location. The location is a path with four parameters: user, password, workspace, and view. For example:
focalpoint_path/servlet/XMLExporter?user=john &password=john&workspace=2&views=356
where focalpoint_path refers to the string up to /fp. To generate a report from more than one view, use a comma as separator.
5 Test that the path is correct by entering the path in the address field of a web browser.
If the path is correct, XML code is generated. The values for the parameters of workspace and views are the ID numbers of the workspace and views from which to generate the report. To find the ID number for a workspace, click and hold the workspace link in the workspace list. The ID number is displayed in the lower left corner of the browser.
6 To see the ID for a view:
Click the Settings icon and then, from the Configure group, click Views.
Select the view.
In the right frame, right-click, and select View Source.
Scroll to the var elemId line. The view ID number is the number on that line.
7 Click Apply, and then click Close.
8 Test that the configuration is correct by clicking Test Connect.
9 Set up a new ODBC computer source in your report tool.
Note When the view changes, you might need to restart your report tool to update. Attributes with empty values and attributes of the type Heading and History are not included in the report. You cannot generate a report of the contents of your home page.
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Focal Point and reporting tools