Managing products and portfolios : Configuring attributes : Editing and deleting attributes : Editing attributes
Editing attributes
About this task
All of the attribute fields except the attribute type can be edited. Editing an attribute name will affect a business rule that is related to the attribute.
1 Log in as a workspace administrator.
2 Click the Settings icon Settings icon, and then, from the Configure group, click Attributes. The available modules are listed.
3 Click the module that contains the attribute to edit.
4 Click the attribute to edit. An edit page is displayed.
5 Edit the required details.
You cannot change the attribute type. To use another attribute type, delete the attribute and add a new attribute that uses the required type.
The Choice, Date, Link, List, Text, and Unique ID attributes use text fields and check boxes for advanced setup. The text fields and checkboxes are explained in the setup frame.
To provide users with supportive information about the attribute, type a description. The text in the Description field is visible as a hover text over the attribute title. The text is visible when the user edits the attribute.
For a confirmation window to be displayed whenever the attribute value is changed, select Display Dialog. In the Dialog Text fields, type the text or question to be displayed in the window.
To record a history of the changes made to the attribute, select Log Changes. You can view the changes by using the History attribute.
6 Click OK to update the attribute.
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Editing and deleting attributes