Managing products and portfolios : Managing products and portfolios
Managing products and portfolios
Setting up modules
A workspace consists of a set of modules, each of which contain a structured set of elements.
For more information, see Setting up modules.
Configuring attributes
To add, delete and edit attributes, click the Settings icon, and then, from the Configure group, click Attributes.
For more information, see Configuring attributes.
Configuring views
To manage the views in a workspace, click the Settings icon , and then, from the Configure group, click Views. Views are used for filtering elements and their attributes in a module.
For more information, see Configuring views.
Adding an image to a workspace home page
To add an image, you create a module for images and define a view that displays an element in the module. Then, you display the view in a window on the home page.
For more information, see Adding an image to a workspace home page.
Defining workflows
You can add, delete, and edit workflows in a specific module on the Workflows page, which is opened by clicking the Settings icon and then, from the Configure group, clicking Workflows. To configure workflows, you must be a workspace administrator.
For more information, see Defining workflows.
Creating criteria and thresholds
To assess and compare projects, you use parameters, which are called criteria. You use thresholds to visualize the values in charts and statistics.
For more information, see Creating criteria and thresholds.
Managing elements
An element is an entity with specific attribute values that is contained in a module. Examples of elements are requirements, products, releases, and charts.
For more information, see Managing elements.
Prioritizing elements and criteria
To determine which elements bring the most value to a project, you can prioritize the elements according to certain criteria.
For more information, see Prioritizing elements and criteria.
Setting up and generating reports workflow
You can generate reports in RTF or PDF format by using a report type and report template. A report is composed of the most recent workspace information.
For more information, see Setting up and generating reports workflow.
Financial planning using time grid attribute
You can plan the financials of your product or products using the time grid attribute. For example, you can calculate costs and revenue for a business case.You can use the time grid attribute to do these actions:
For more information, see Financial planning using time grid attribute.
Investment analysis
The Investment Analysis component contains analytics that provide information on the likely outcome and value of a potential investment. Use Investment analysis to build financial models of expected cost and estimated benefits of your project over time. All of the financial metrics that Investment analysis provides are useful, but no single metric, by itself, will necessarily cover the whole requirement. You must analyze all the metrics and determine the ones that best meets your requirements. Estimates are uncertain entities. To express the uncertainty of your estimates, specify the values for likely; or nominal estimates with high and low bounds. These bounded estimates are used to compute the likely financial metrics for the project.
For more information, see Investment analysis.