Managing products and portfolios : Configuring views : Filtering views : Sharing or copying a filter
Sharing or copying a filter
Configure a filter so that the filter can be either copied as an editable private filter or shared with members who have specific user roles in a view. You can, then, customize the filter according to specific requirements, or share the filter with members who have access to a view.
Before you begin
Create filters for the view where you want to share the filter.
About this task
Use Share filter to share a filter with a user or a group of users who have access to the view, based on the user role.
A filter to be shared with only the users having the “Project Manager” role. The shared filter can be edited only by a user with the permission to edit Shared Filters. The changes made by a user to a shared filter can be viewed by all the shared users of that filter. If a new user with the same user role is added to the view, the filter is automatically added as a shared filter to that user.
1 In the navigation panel, select the view for which to create a shared filter.
2 In the view toolbar, click Filter icon. All of the available filters for the selected view are displayed.
3 To share a filter, click Share filter icon.
4 Specify the member role with whom the filter is to be shared.
5 Click Apply, and then click Close.
6 Load the view in which the filter is shared for the role, and then click the list of filters. The shared filter is displayed in the list of filters.
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Filtering views