Managing products and portfolios : Configuring views : Filtering views : Filter characteristics for attributes
Filter characteristics for attributes
This section contains information about the characteristics of the filter for different attribute types.
Text attributes
To filter according to text, enter the text string to filter out. For example, type Bluetooth support as a Title attribute. All the elements that contain Bluetooth support in the Title are filtered.
To filter according to words, type OR between the words. For example, if you enter Bluetooth support, the results show all of the elements in which this text string is found. If you enter Bluetooth or support, the results show all elements in which either Bluetooth or support can be found, but not necessarily in that order.
By default, Text attributes are not case-sensitive. Select Case Sensitive to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters and filter elements in which the case matches the filter text.
Link attributes
To filter according to the number of links in a certain attribute, from Number of Links is, select less than, more than, or exact, and enter a number.
Date Attributes, Created Date, and Last Changed Date
From these lists, you can select one of the following options to filter a view:
All elements with a specific and exact date
is not
All elements without a specific and exact date
is earlier than
All elements before a certain date
is later than
All elements after a certain date
is between
All elements between two dates
Integer and Float Attributes
From these lists, you can select one of the following options to filter a view:
All elements with an exact value
is not
All elements except a certain value
is more than
All elements with a value that is higher than a specified value
is less than
All elements with a value that is lower than a specified value
is between
All elements with a value that is within a specified range
You cannot filter based on the following attribute types:
List Text
Time Grid
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Filtering views