Managing products and portfolios : Configuring views : Filtering views : Using AND and OR tags in view rules
Using AND and OR tags in view rules
You can use the AND and OR tags within a view rule to filter words in a Text attribute.
Precedence of AND and OR tags
By default, the AND tag has a higher precedence over the OR tag, hence it is evaluated first. To change this precedence, you can create implicit parentheses around the view rules by nesting or changing the level of the view rules. All successive view rules in the same level are grouped together using implicit parentheses. View rules in the inner most level are evaluated first.
Prefix contains Joe AND Description contains Jack
Selects all the elements that have Joe in the prefix and Jack in the description. The elements with Joe in the prefix but without Jack in the description are not included.
Prefix contains Joe OR Description contains Jack
Selects all the elements that have Joe in the prefix or Jack in the description. The elements with Joe in the prefix but without Jack in the description are included.
Prefix contains Joe AND Description contains Jack OR Prefix contains Jack
Selects the following elements:
All elements that have Joe in the prefix and Jack in the description
All elements where Jack is in the prefix
AND has priority over OR. Therefore, this rule is interpreted as:
((Joe in prefix) AND (Jack in description)) OR (Jack in prefix)
Prefix contains Joe OR Description contains Jack AND Prefix contains Jack
Selects the following elements:
All elements that have Joe in the prefix
All elements that have Jack in both the description and prefix. The elements with Jack in the description but without Jack in the prefix are not included.
AND has priority over OR. Therefore, this rule is interpreted as:
(Joe in prefix) OR ((Jack in prefix) AND (Jack in description)).
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Filtering views