Managing products and portfolios : Configuring views : Filtering views : Configuring a dynamic filter
Configuring a dynamic filter
About this task
You can configure a filter that prompts for values dynamically. You can define dynamic rules on any normal filter.
Note Dynamic rules can not be set on an advanced filter.
You can specify the parameter values of a filter dynamically during run time or when the view is loading. You can create dynamic filters only if the option to Disable Dynamic Filters is not selected in the view configuration. You can either create a filter or use an existing filter. In dynamic filtering, you can select or change the filter parameter values at the time the filter is executed.
By using dynamic prompts, you do not have to create a separate filter just because a different parameter value for the same filter is needed. When an attribute is selected, the previously stored value of the attribute is automatically updated. Similar to a regular filter, the parameter values of the dynamic filter can be specified when defining a filter, but you can also provide new values when the filter is run or when the view is loading.
Using dynamic prompts for filters helps in customizing the filter according to the requirements. The dynamic prompts can be used for Integer, Float, Checkbox, Version, Choice, Date, Parent Folder, Link attributes, LinkList, and Incoming Links in Simple Filter Mode.
Dynamic filter ribbon
The dynamic filter ribbon can be used to build dynamic filters. This ribbon provides the following options.
Run or execute the dynamic filter on the view.
Add new filter rules to the dynamic filter.
Change the values of the filter rules before running the filter.
Delete or deselect individual rules from the dynamic filter.
Clear all filter rules in one step.
Hide or unhide the attributes, or define the attribute visibility in the view.
Reset the attribute visibility from the dynamic filter.
Reset the dynamic filter rules from the values stored in the base filter.
Save the dynamic filter rules into the base filter. This will create a new base filter if none exists.
Defining dynamic rules directly on a base filter
1 In the navigation panel, click the view for which to create a dynamic filter.
2 In the view toolbar, click Filter Filter icon.
3 Click New Filter. The window to define the filter is displayed.
4 Click Simple Mode to switch to the simple filter mode. Dynamic attributes are available for selection only if the filter is in the simple mode.
5 Click the Filter Information tab, and provide a name and description for the new filter.
6 Click the Filter Rules tab. Click Add Rule to specify the filter options. Select attributes, conditions, and values for the rule, and then click OK. You can specify more than one view rule on each of the attribute listed.
7 Click the Attribute Properties tab to specify the attribute visibility. In the Visible column, select the attributes to be displayed in the filtered view by selecting the corresponding check boxes. To select or clear all attributes, select or clear the Visible check box in the column heading.
8 In the Dynamic filters column, select the attributes that are to be displayed as dynamic parameters.
9 Optional: Specify an initial value for the selected parameters.
10 To save and activate the filter, click Save, and then click Close. The filter icon turns green to indicate that the filter is activated.
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Filtering views