Managing products and portfolios : Configuring views : Defining view and filter rules using a view on linked elements
Defining view and filter rules using a view on linked elements
You can use a view to create a view rule when defining a view or an advanced filter in a workspace that you have access to.
About this task
You can use a view to define a view rule only if the module has link, linklist, or incoming link attributes. For example, consider a workspace with two modules that have link attributes: Requirements and Customers. The Requirements module has a complete set of requirements that are gathered from multiple customers. The Customer module has the details of all customers. In a scenario where a user is responsible for a subset of customers and should have access to the requirements that are linked to only those customers, you can define a view "My Customers" in the Customers module to list only those customers that the said user has access to. Then, you can define a view rule on the Requirements module to display only those requirements that are related to the customers in the "My Customers" view. To do so, you select the appropriate link attribute from the attribute list, the condition "is in view" and the "My Customers" view. To display the new view, you reload the navigation bar.
1 Click the Settings icon Settings icon, and then, from the Configure group, click Views.
2 Create a view by clicking Add View or select a view from the list of views.
3 Click Edit to edit the View Definition attribute. Then, to define the rule for the view, click Add Rule.
4 Select an attribute from the Show elements whose list.
5 To define a view rule based on an existing view, select a link, linklist, or incoming link attribute. Then, choose from the available options for the attribute.
When you select a link attribute, the available options are is in view and is not in view.
When you select an incoming link attribute or a linklist attribute, the available options are Contains elements in view or Contains no elements in view.
6 Click Next. The workspaces that you have access to, and to which the selected attribute allows links to, are displayed.
7 Select the workspace that contains the view to use. If you are an administrator for the selected workspace, the views that are defined on all the modules of the selected workspace are displayed. If you are not an administrator for the selected workspace, only the views for which you have access are displayed.
8 Click the view to use. A summary of the selected rule is displayed. For example:
"View_X in workspace Workspace _Y".
9 Optional: To select a different view, click the Edit icon Edit icon, and then select the required workspace and the required view.
10 Click Finish to save the rule.
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Configuring views