Managing products and portfolios : Configuring views : Defining nested rules
Defining nested rules
You can define rules with different levels of nesting. Rules at the lowest level of nesting would be evaluated first.
About this task
While evaluating a view with multiple rules, the AND tag is given higher precedence over the OR tag. To change this precedence, you can create implicit parentheses around the view rules by nesting or changing the level of the view rules. All successive view rules in the same level are grouped together using implicit parentheses. View rules in the inner most level are given the precedence and evaluated first.
1 Click the Settings icon Settings icon and then from the Configure group click Views.
2 Create a view by clicking Add View or select a view from the list of views.
3 Click Edit to edit the View Definition attribute. Then to define the rule for the view, click Add Rule.
4 Select an attribute from the Show elements whose list. Create a view rule by selecting the appropriate conditions.
5 Create a few more rules as explained in the previous step and join them using AND and OR tags.
6 Use the Right Arrow icon to move the rules to a sub level. Use the Left Arrow icon to move the rules back into the outer level. All subsequent rules with in the same level are shown grouped together in parentheses.
7 Use the Split Rules icon to split the rules of the same level into two groups (as defined or enclosed in parentheses). Use can use AND or OR tags to combine them. The Merge Rules icon can be used to merge two groups of rules into a single group.
8 Advanced filters rules can also be nested similar to the way explained here.
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Configuring views