Managing products and portfolios : Configuring views : Defining nested views
Defining nested views
You can nest views inside another view and combine them using AND and OR tags.
About this task
Views can be defined on top of the existing views. It is possible to combine multiple views using AND or OR tags. The child view inherits the rules defined in the parent. Any change in the rules of parent views automatically affect the inheriting views. Hence this feature makes it easy for an Administrator to maintain large workspaces.
1 Click the Settings icon Settings icon and then from the Configure group click Views.
2 Create a view by clicking Add View or select a view from the list of views.
3 Click Edit to edit the View Definition attribute. Then to define the rule for the view, click Add Rule.
4 Select the option Element from the Show elements list. Select the options is in view or is not in view from the condition list. From the view drop down select the appropriate view as the value.
5 You can create more rules using the is in view and is not in view options and combine them using AND or OR tags.
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Configuring views