Managing products and portfolios : Investment analysis : Simulation results
Simulation results
The Investment analysis adds new input at the bottom of the tape and runs the expressions from top to bottom. The Investment analysis uses the 10th percentile, the mode, and the 90th percentile of the last line on the calculator tape as the low, likely, and high estimates for the model. To see all values, hover the mouse pointer over the result value on the paper tape. By default, if the tape contains no errors, the calculator automatically recalculates the simulation values and graphs the NPV results for up to 10,000 samples. When parse errors occur or when the simulation fails because of undefined variables, the calculator displays a red "i" near the result field. To get more information about an error, move the mouse pointer over the ā€œiā€. To manually control the simulation, select or clear Auto recalc or Graph results. You can delete a tape, and change the position of an item using up and down arrows.
To create a smoother NPV curve, select larger sample sizes from the drop-down menu.
Viewing the simulation results
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Investment analysis