Managing products and portfolios : Investment analysis : Financial model results
Financial model results
In Investment analysis mode, you can analyze the financial model results by using the NPV Probability and Stats tabs.
NPV Probability
The NPV Probability tab contains a probability distribution, computed continuously, of the expected net present value (NPV) for the current financial model. The probability distribution shows the 10th percentile, mode, and 90th percentile values for the NPV. The vertical line in the middle of the curve indicates the mode value. To see additional values along the probability distribution, move the mouse pointer over the curve. A red curve represents a negative NPV. A green curve represents a positive expected NPV. If the model does not contain high or low estimates, the expected NPV is a point rather than a probability distribution.
NPV probability
The Stats tab contains a set of values that are continuously computed for the current financial model. Whenever a parameter or estimate in the model changes, the values that are shown on this tab are recomputed within a few seconds. The following table describes the parameters that are shown on the Stats tab. Note: The term “today” is the current time period and “yesterday” is the time period preceding the current time period.
Current NPV
The sum of the discounted benefits from today to the end of the project, subtracted from the sum of discounted costs from today to the end of the project.
Expected NPV at Delivery
The sum of discounted costs from delivery to project end subtracted from the sum of discounted benefits from delivery to project end.
Benefits to Date
The sum of the benefits from the start of the project to yesterday.
Benefits to Go
The sum of the benefits from today to the end of the project.
Costs to Date
The sum of the discounted costs from the start of the project to yesterday.
Costs to Go
The sum of the discounted costs from today to the end of the project.
ROI to Date
The NPV today plus the sum of actual benefits divided by the costs to date.
ROI to Go
The NPV today divided by the sum of the discounted future costs.
Total ROI
The sum of the discounted benefits minus the sum of the discounted costs from the start to the end of the project, divided by the sum of the discounted costs from the start to the end of the project.
Expected ROI at Delivery
The Expected NPV at Delivery over the sum of discounted costs from project start to delivery.
Total Benefits
The sum of the benefits from the start of the project to the end.
Total Costs
The sum of discounted costs from the start of the project to the end.
Payback Period
The time period when the discounted costs balances the discounted benefits.
<unit> to Date
The sum of the defined units from the start of the project to yesterday.
<unit> to Go
The sum of the defined units from today to the end of the project.
Total <unit>
The sum of the defined units from the start of the project to the end.
<unit>/<cost unit> to Date
The sum of the defined units of each cost unit from the start of the project to yesterday.
<unit>/<cost unit> to Go
The sum of the defined unit of each cost unit from today to the end of the project.
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Investment analysis