Managing products and portfolios : Investment analysis : Interactive workflow: Investment analysis
Interactive workflow: Investment analysis
Investment analysis supports customizing a financial model to meet your requirements. This is a high-level view of setting up and using Investment analysis:
Workflow of the tasks
1 Create a module
2 Configure a time grid attribute:
Select the option to allow investment analysis
Create estimate sheets with scenario type: High, likely, low and actual
Define time interval, start and end dates for the sheets
Define cost, benefit, and variable streams
Define units for the streams
3 Define attributes to retrieve financial analysis results.
4 Create or select an element.
5 Launch investment analysis.
6 Optional: Change model locally
Add streams
Add variables: Save variables to default setup
Add calculator tapes: Save calculator tape to default tapes; load and edit default calculator tape
7 Select a stream.
8 Specify estimates:
Specify data graphically
Specify data using a spreadsheet
Specify data using a calculator: Run the simulation, and then assign financial model results to a time period.
9 Document assumptions.
10 Analyze results.
11 Adjust financial model parameters.
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Investment analysis