Managing products and portfolios : Investment analysis : Starting Investment analysis
Starting Investment analysis
Use Investment analysis as an alternate editing mode for time grid attributes. You can launch investment analysis directly without going to the time grid mode.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have added elements to the module. See Adding elements.
1 Click Modules and select your module.
2 Select an element in your module.
If the Allow Investment Analysis option was selected when the time grid attribute was configured, clicking on a sheet, stream, or any link opens in Investment analysis mode. To open in Time grid mode or Chart mode, you can select using Menu after Investment analysis is launched.
If the Allow Investment Analysis option was not selected when the time grid attribute was configured, you cannot launch Investment analysis. On clicking a link, the Time grid attribute opens in the Time grid mode.
What to do next
Specify the estimated values for costs, benefits, and variables for the life of the project. See Building financial models.
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Investment analysis