Managing products and portfolios : Investment analysis : Specifying estimates : Entering data by using the calculator : Entering data from a command line
Entering data from a command line
Use the command line to enter algebraic equations explicitly as assignment expressions and distribution types. As you enter the values on the command line, the values are also entered into the paper tape portion of the calculator.
1 To enter algebraic equations, enter them explicitly as assignment expressions. For example:
i = 5*j + k
2 On one side of the equation, enter a variable. On the other side, enter a fixed value, a formula, or a distribution type. Named variables are of Formula, Triangular, or Normal type. Named constants are of Fixed type.
3 To enter triangular distributions, use the form T(low, likely, high). For example;
numUsers = T(4500,6500,8500)
4 To enter normal distributions, use the form N(mean, standard deviation). For example:
costPerUser = N(100,10)
5 Click Run Simulation. The graph showing the probability distribution is displayed.
On the command line, type the following text:
x = 100 <enter>
y = 10 <enter>
z = x*y <enter>
What to do next
You can now analyze the financial model result and assign the results to a time period.
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Entering data by using the calculator