Managing products and portfolios : Managing elements : Displaying elements : Relational graphs
Relational graphs
Relational graphs show an overview of the folder and element structure of a view.
To display the elements in a relational graph, in Display, select a view, and then click the Display the elements in a relational graph icon . You can view or modify elements by using the following options:
Browse Attribute
Lists the attributes of an element.
Choose one of these layouts:
The nodes are displayed as balloons in strings, with the selected browse attribute in the middle.
The nodes are displayed in a radius with the selected browse attribute in the center.
Vertical Tree
The nodes are displayed in a hierarchical tree, with the selected browse attribute at the top.
Parallel Coordinates
Visualize and manage links across multiple levels of modules starting with the current module.
Display links
When this option is selected, the links between the nodes are displayed. To display the links, the view must include at least one link or a link list attribute that has at least one link between elements in the view.
Options available for Parallel Coordinates
In order to display links from multiple modules, you must have access to the links in views. Only the elements and links that are accessible in the views are visible. Also, the permission to add or remove links is based on the edit access of the attributes that are defined in the view.
Add Axis
Adds a new axis to the layout. First axis is the current view used for the Relational graph. An axis represents a set of elements in a module to which links can be established from already defined axes.
Remove Axis
Removes an axis from the layout.
Add Link/Cancel Add
Options to add a new link from one axis to another through a link/linklist attribute or cancel the add operation.
Remove Link/Remove Cancel
Options to remove an existing link from one axis to another or cancel the add operation.
Fit To Screen
Option to fit the chart that contains the axes and elements into the available screen width. If this option is not selected, elements and axes are laid out by using the default values.
Show Only Linked
Option to display only elements that are linked from the top level axis to the second level axis. If this option is not selected, all the elements in an axis are displayed, irrespective of whether there is an incoming or outgoing link to the element.
Show Axes options
Show options to sort and group the elements in each axis based on the attribute values.
Known limitation
Trying to render a large Relational graph could affect the server performance and the browser responsiveness. Use smaller views to avoid this problem.
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Displaying elements