Managing products and portfolios : Managing elements : Grouping elements : Grouping elements by attribute statistics
Grouping elements by attribute statistics
Attribute statistics group elements according to attribute values. You can display the attribute statistics in tables and graphs to analyze the elements in the attribute statistics mode. You can also display the attribute statistics in your home page by using XYZ, pie, and bar charts.
It is also possible to define dynamic groups on attribute values by defining the range of attribute values. Charts and reports can be created based on the elements that are segregated into these dynamic groups. This option is also available in the homepage widgets.
Save attribute statistics settings
To save a group of private settings that are used to create attribute statistics reports or charts, click the Save Settings menu option. You can save different groups of settings, by specifying a unique name for each group. All the groups that you save are available for future use from the Settings menu. Use the Delete Settings option to delete any of the existing groups.
It is also possible to create named global settings. An administrator can share their private named settings with other users, by selecting the toolbar option Save settings for all users of this workspace.
Charts in statistics
Tables in statistics
Subsets of elements
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Grouping elements