Managing products and portfolios : Managing elements : Displaying elements : Display frame
Display frame
You can display the elements in a view in different ways.
The menu options are based on the current configuration, and your level of access. The example in this topic is based on the Product Management workspace template.
When you select an element from the Display menu option, the element details can be viewed in different modes. You can edit the details of the element while viewing them in different modes. The display options for elements are listed in the following table:
Element display options
Display option
Display the elements in a tree structure
Display the elements in a tree structure
The tree structure displays the information in a view as a parent child hierarchy. The tree structure is a common display mode. The numbers that are displayed after the title of the top folder indicates the folder and the elements in the folder. For example, 1/3, indicates that the view consists of 1 folder and 3 elements.
Display the elements in a table structure
Display the elements in a table structure
The table structure displays the information in a view as columns and rows. Each column contains an attribute and each row contains an element. All information in the elements are included.
Display the elements in an editable table
Display the elements in an editable table
The editable table displays the information in a view in columns and rows. You can edit most of the attributes, display complex attributes, perform nested sorting, and reorder columns, and reset columns to original order.
Display the elements in a relational graph
Display the elements in a relational graph
The relational graphs displays an overview of the folder and element structure of a view.
Display how many elements that have a certain attribute value
Display how many elements that have a certain attribute value
Use this option to view attribute statistics.
Display the elements in a traceability matrix
Display the elements in a traceability matrix
The traceability matrix displays all of the links that exist between elements in two views. You can use this option to see how requirements are connected to use cases or test cases.
Display the elements in a Gantt chart
Display the elements in a Gantt chart
The gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart that displays activities over time and possible relationships between the activities.
Display how the value of a choice attribute has changed over time
Display how the value of a choice attribute has changed over time
Use this option to display the choice attribute sets. To make this feature available, activate the change log for the choice attribute. For more information see the Configure attributes section.
Display news in this view
Display news in this view
Use this option to display all of the logged changes to the elements in the view. To view and edit the elements, click the element links. This option shows the present attribute values of the element that might differ from the values that the element had when the change was made. To see news for the entire workspace, in the Information menu, select What's New?.
Note The view is restricted to show only 1000 changes. To see the older changes, narrow down timeframe or restrict the attribute selection.
Create and activate baselines
Create and activate baselines
Use this option to create and activate baselines. Baselines are snapshots of views of certain elements. The elements in baseline views are read-only and cannot be edited.
Compare baselines
Compare baselines
You can compare baselines to analyze the differences between elements. For example, when changes are made or when new requirements are added, you might create a baseline and then compare it to the original baseline. When you compare baselines, the server is loaded; compare baselines only as needed.
Generate a report of the current view
Generate a report of the current view
You can generate a report by clicking the Report icon. Some reports might not look the same as they do in a web browser.
Click to edit filter
Click to edit filter
You can add a filter to each of your views. Filtering is a quick and easy way to find and work with a subset of the elements and attributes in a view. A filtered view displays only the elements that meet the rules that you specify for the attributes in the Filter setup window.
Note Only the views that you can access are available on the Display menu. If your view is configured to display baselines, you can view them. Workspace administrators can edit the view by clicking the view link to the right of the icons in the toolbar. Each view is configured to display a subset of the toolbar icons. If an icon is grey, it is disabled.
Edit elements
Edit element options
Send a link
Send a link
Use this option to e-mail a link of the element to another member in a workspace. The receiver can click on the link to display the element in Focal Point.
Display in a printer friendly format
Display in a printer friendly format
Use this option to view the element in a printer friendly format that is displayed in a popup window. From the pop window you can print the element
Generate a report
Generate a report
Use this option to generate a report of the element.
Show logged changes
Show logged changes
Use this option to see the logged changes of the element.
Edit element
Edit element
Click the Edit icon next to an attribute to change the attribute value. To edit several attributes at the same time you can click on the same icon next to the heading of the element instead.
The icon is only visible for the attributes you are allowed to edit.
Use the Ctrl or Shift buttons to select multiple elements in the tree structure. When more than one element has been selected, the attributes that can be changed for more than one element at the same time are displayed to the right.
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Displaying elements