Managing products and portfolios : Prioritizing elements and criteria : Creating and comparing criteria : Specifying the estimates for criteria
Specifying the estimates for criteria
Criteria can have different importance; to measure and compare the importance of criteria, you can use estimates.
To specify the estimates for criteria
1 On the Criteria page, add the required criteria.
2 Add a view that contains the criteria. Set the Prioritize and Visualize attributes to Yes.
3 Link the view to a criterion that is not in the view:
Click the Settings icon Settings icon, and then, from the Configure group, click Views. Select the view that you added.
For the Criteria attribute, click the Edit icon.
Select Specific Criterion, and then click Next.
Select the criterion that you added, and then click OK.
4 Add a Float or Integer attribute to the criteria module.
5 Click Modules > Criteria, and then click the criterion.
6 For the Estimate attribute, click the Edit icon.
7 Click Modules > Criteria, and then click the attribute that you added.
8 For each of the criteria, set the value of the new attribute.
A criterion can either be maximize or minimize, but not both. The negative values cannot be used as estimate values, and the negative values are considered as zero.
9 Click Visualize. The Visualize page opens; click the view that contains the elements. The estimates for the elements are displayed in a chart.
Related topics
Criteria attributes
Criteria menu options
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Creating and comparing criteria