Managing products and portfolios : Prioritizing elements and criteria : Priority overview
Priority overview
The priority overview shows all of the criteria that are used for a view. To open the Priority overview frame, on either the Prioritize or Visualize toolbar, click the Priority Overview icon Priority overview icon.
For criteria that use pairwise comparisons, a bar that displays the number of comparisons that you have completed is displayed. The Color codes section contains explanations about the colors of the bars. The progress bar is not applicable for criteria that use estimates or for Sum criteria. If the progress bar is yellow or green, the consistency for the criterion is presented.
To open the Prioritize frame and compare the corresponding criterion, click Prioritize frame. This is only applicable for Private and Public criteria.
To see the progress of all of the members for the corresponding criterion, click See progress of members for the corresponding criterion. To go back to the list of your comparisons, click Back. This is only applicable for Private criteria that do not use estimates.
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Troubleshoot the Prioritize menu
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Prioritizing elements and criteria