Managing products and portfolios : Prioritizing elements and criteria : Creating and comparing criteria : Prioritizing elements according to criteria : Prioritizing and visualizing criteria
Prioritizing and visualizing criteria
You can prioritize and visualize the results of prioritization based on a criteria.
To prioritize criteria
1 In the navigation bar, click Prioritize > Criteria.
2 Use the comparison scale to pairwise compare the importance of the criteria.
3 Check the visualization of your criteria to make sure that you agree with the prioritization of the criteria. In the navigation bar, click Visualize > Criteria.
4 To visualize the results of prioritization:
In the navigation bar, click Visualize.
Click a view.
Use the buttons on the toolbar to view the results in different charts and tables.
When you visualize the estimates, negative values are not displayed. The negative values in the estimates are considered as zero.
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Prioritizing elements according to criteria