Reference : Charts and display preferences : Charts reference
Charts reference
In a chart, the most important elements have green check boxes, elements of medium importance have yellow check boxes, and the least important elements have red checkboxes. You can edit the attributes for an element by clicking its title. Charts display elements even if they do not have priorities.
A blue title indicates that the element has priorities for the criteria that are used in the charts.
A red title indicates that the element does not have priorities.
Example that shows an element that does not have priorities
Priority bars
When you select or clear the element check boxes, the priority bars in the console update the sum of the priorities for the elements with selected check boxes. If all elements are selected, the priority bar value is 100%. For Estimate criteria, the sum of the estimates of the selected elements is also displayed; for example, “55% ( 70)”.
Check boxes
By dragging the mouse pointer, you can select or clear several element checkboxes at the same time. When you drag the mouse pointer, you draw a rectangle on the diagram area. Whenever the rectangle surrounds an element checkbox, its value changes.
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Charts and display preferences