Reference : Reference
About Focal Point menu
The Help > About Focal Point menu displays information about the version, build, and license of the product.
For more information, see About Focal Point menu.
Bookmark Focal Point resource
You can bookmark any of the workspace resources. You can also tag a workspace or a view as your favorite.
For more information, see Bookmark Focal Point resource.
Search options in Focal Point
You can search for elements in Focal Point. The application provides full-text search, limited search, as well as in-view search options. Search settings can be specified, and boolean operators can be used in the search keywords.
For more information, see Search options in Focal Point.
Formatting editor
You can change the appearance of text in the Text and List Text attributes by applying text formatting using the formatting editor.
For more information, see Formatting editor.
Attribute types
The elements in a module are associated with a number of attributes. An attribute has a type, name, comment, and value. To see the description of an attribute, move the mouse pointer over the attribute name.
For more information, see Attribute types.
Charts and display preferences
From the Visualize menu, you can display the results of pairwise comparisons by using charts. You can visualize the results of your own pairwise comparisons and the results of other members’ pairwise comparisons. You can also visualize estimate values.
For more information, see Charts and display preferences.
User interface reference
For information about the menus, application, attribute types, and workspace permissions, see User interface reference.
API reference
For information about the Focal Point APIs, see the following topics:
SOAP Web Services API
REST XML API reference
REST RDF API reference
JSON REST API reference
Dashboard REST API