Reference : Charts and display preferences : XY charts
XY charts
The XY charts give a graphical representation of elements that have been prioritized according to certain criteria. The data points in XY charts are represented by customizable bubbles.
XY chart options
You can use the XY charts to:
select multiple elements at a time, and edit the attributes for all of the non-selected elements
display the XY chart bubbles with colors that are specified through a choice or an indicator attribute
resize the bubbles, and change the bubble style
display all bubbles in one size
toggle the selection of elements graphically
copy the chart to the clipboard without setting a login URL
select or clear elements according to a certain criteria. The priority scores of the selected elements are calculated and displayed in the chart. A blue circle around an element marker indicates that the element is the one that is selected
save, print, and open the chart in a new window
generate reports in PDF and rich text format
zoom in and zoom out to examine the elements and to identify the elements that overlap
hide or show the elements
get detailed information about an element by moving the mouse over the element
plot titles, prefix, and icons on the chart.
Note Focal Point 6.6 and later uses a new algorithm to render the bubble size. To use the old algorithm while viewing the XY charts saved from previous releases, select Advanced > SQL and execute this query:
update projectsetting set value='false' where name=''
XY chart
Legend tab
You can configure the following settings:
X Axis: Select the criteria or the date to be plotted on the X axis.
Y Axis: Select the criteria to be plotted on the Y axis.
Bubble: Select “-” to plot the values as data points, “one size” to represent the data points as bubbles of one size, or any of the available criteria that should be represented as bubbles.
Connector: Select to connect elements with the same value for the selected attribute.
Select from the list of available elements.
Main tab
You can configure the following settings:
X Axis: Use the slider to zoom in and zoom out while examining the elements that are based on the criteria that is plotted on the X axis. Use this feature to identify the elements that overlap.
Y Axis: Use the slider to zoom in and zoom out while examining the elements that are based on the criteria that is plotted on the Y axis. Use this feature to identify the elements that overlap.
You can configure the following settings:
Edit All Selected Elements: Click the edit icon to edit one or more attributes for all of the selected elements.
Edit All Non-selected Elements: Click the edit icon to edit one or more attributes for all of the elements that are not selected.
Rank the Elements: Use it to update the rank of the element in the selected attribute. Elements are ranked according to their priorities for the chosen criteria.
Copy to Clipboard: Click to copy the chart to the clipboard.Note: The Copy to Clipboard option does not work on Linux installations. You must use Java version 1.4 or later and accept the certificate.
Unpick All elements: Click to remove all of the elements from the prioritization in the given view.
You can configure the following settings:
Bubbles: Specify the visual effects for the bubble:
Size: Use the slider to change the bubble size.
Style: Impart a three-dimensional, transparent, or opaque effect to the bubble.
Color: Select the bubble color from these options:
Default: To display all the bubbles in the same color.
Triage: To display the bubbles in green, yellow, or red, depending on the priority of the elements.
Note The Color list displays all of the Choice attributes and Indicator attributes that are available in the view, and the default values Default and Triage. To specify that the bubble color is based on the values of a choice or an indicator attribute, select an attribute. When the Triage option is selected, bubbles appear in green, yellow, and red in the ratio 33:33:34. Green represents the top 33%, yellow represents the middle 33%, and the red represents the remaining 34% of the total elements, based on the selected criteria.
Labels: Plot titles, prefixes, and icons on the chart.
Reset Positions: Click to reset the title positions to their respective markers.
Miscellaneous: Specify one or more visual effects for the chart. These effects are available:
Grid: Select to apply a grid.
Cross X & Y Lines: Select to apply a movable cross that divides the chart into four quadrants.
Threshold Lines: Select to plot a threshold line for the selected elements. A threshold line helps to analyze the number of elements that have crossed the threshold, and to take the corrective action to get all the elements below the threshold.
Hovers: Select to enable hover text.
All Members Priorities: Select to display the priorities for the private criteria of all the members. Priorities of only the members who have done pair wise comparisons are displayed in the chart. If All Members Priorities is not selected, only your priorities are displayed in the chart.Note: To view all members' priorities, you must either be a Workspace Administrator, or you must have the permission to visualize all members' prioritization.
Selected Elements: Plot only the selected elements.
Non-selected Elements: Plot only those elements that are not selected.
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Charts and display preferences