Reference : Charts and display preferences : Stacked bar charts
Stacked bar charts
The stacked bar chart displays the priorities for a selected view and all criteria. Criteria priorities are taken into account when the chart is drawn. By clicking the checkboxes in the criteria list, you can show and hide the contributions of the criteria.
stacked bar chart
Ranking schemes
In stacked bar charts, black triangles that indicate the total score for each element. You have two options to calculate the total score:
Positive - Negative: The score is calculated as the sum of the priorities of the Maximize criteria minus the sum of the priorities of the Minimize criteria.
Positive / Negative: The score is calculated as the sum of the priorities of the Maximize criteria divided by the sum of the priorities of the Minimize criteria. If there are no Minimize criteria, the score is indicated by a red arrow to the right, because the total score is then an infinite value. If both Maximize and Minimize criteria are 0 or if only the Maximize criteria are 0, the score is indicated by red triangles in the middle. Use the Positive / Negative ranking scheme when you want to see the total score; for example: Value versus Cost.
To toggle between the two options, right-click the chart, and then click Ranking Scheme.
Note Use the default ranking scheme, Positive - Negative, as a standard. This ranking scheme was developed and used for years, and has proven to provide the most intuitive results in most situations.
Criteria priorities
When stacked bar charts and stacked XY charts are displayed, you can take criteria priorities into account. To understand how criteria priorities affect charts, see “Using criteria priorities in charts.”
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Charts and display preferences