Reference : Dashboard REST API : API to list the available dashboards
API to list the available dashboards
This API is the starting point of the Dashboard REST API. The resources listed here can be referenced to find the subsequent resources. The service document lists all the dashboards available for the API user in the given server instance.
The resource URI for the service document is:
http:// focalpointserver/fp/resources/homepages
GET method
Use this method to retrieve available dashboards.
Accept header
Response body
"workspace": [
"title": "CARS Workspace",
"url": "http://focalpointserver/fp/resources/workspaces/52/homepages"
"title": "Entry - Application Portfolio Management ",
"url": "http://focalpointserver/fp/resources/workspaces/107/homepages"
"title": "IT Portfolio Management Template - MASTER DEMOS",
"url": "http://focalpointserver/fp/resources/workspaces/49/homepages"
"title": "RM-HQ",
"url": "http://focalpointserver/fp/resources/workspaces/65/homepages"
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Dashboard REST API